Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Shop

I did it! Today I opened a shop on etsy. I am feeling my way and will be adding things as I go. I am sure that there will be some tweaking of things for a while. This is exciting and scary too. If you want to take a look the addy is http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheLaceShepherdess

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Better I hope

The first picture in the former post was pretty bad. The lighting was not so good coming from above. I also found out that black takes a lot of bandwidth? pixels? Whatever it is, it is not so good. Now I need to rethink some of the photos that I have taken for my etsy shop. One cannot just slap some pictures up and expect good results. Now let's see if this is any better..................
Hope to get the shop going soon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

More playing with photos

These were taken indoors with light from above.

Coopworth X Scottish Blackface

Coopworth. Her name is Mocha.

Jacob wool. Felicia and daughter Amy combined.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Playing with pictures

I will be opening an etsy shop. I am playing with pictures to show what I have to offer. So this is sort of a test to see how things might look. I will announce the opening when it happens. Please check back.

Taken indoors with light from above.

Taken outdoors using the sun.

Taken outdoors in morning sunlight. I think this gives pretty true color of the wool.