Thursday, October 27, 2011

More of the same

The dyeing continues.

                   Close up of the skeins from the other day. They are drying in the house now.

 The Jacob is dry and into a ball again.
             Silk cap dyed with greens and a bit of yellow. Yellow and rose cap in the background.
                                                          Silk cap spotted with plum.

Dyeing has started

The dyeing is coming along, although not much of a dent has been made in the stock solutions. Will  do more soon. So far it has been wool, silk and a combination of wool and llama. I have more silk caps and roving planned as well as a lot of the natural colored  Coopworth and Shetland. They make such lovely heather colors.

 Hand spun 3 ply BFL blended with nylon sock yarn. I dyed in ball form. Half in purple and then turned the balls over and dyed in forest green. The green shows mostly gray.
                                                      Hand spun in various combinations.
                                Silk cap, silk, silk, baby alpaca and silk sampling. Jacob in the back.
                                         Silk roving in shades of pink and rose before rinsing.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Color Color Everywhere

Today I Made stock solutions. Will be dyeing on  Monday. I have been putting this off for a while. Not as much fun to do it alone so I have asked a friend to come play. I had a lot of dyes on hand that are various colors. After these are gone I will only use primaries and can mix whatever colors I wish.
Will be playing on the back patio. This was taken when I had some of the dyes mixed. We are going to dye wool and silk. Hope to post successful results next week.

This is after all are mixed and waiting. Chopsticks work well for stirring. Lets you know what the colors are too.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

New look

Hello Blog.
I have neglected you for a while so today I gave you a new look. Hope you like it. I have been busy taking pictures and putting things into my etsy shop. Here are just a few things.

This is a busy time of year with the holidays coming and lots of gifts to make. Looking forward to cooler weather and more spinning and knitting time.

Went to Lambtown USA on October 1st with some gals from my group. Had a great day and the weather was wonderful. I was good and only bought one alpaca fleece.